Sunday, June 27, 2010

Gun Owners Caucus 2010 Election Meeting and Convention Post-Mortem


The 2010 TDP State Convention in Corpus Christi has been adjourned, and what an experience it was.

First, the bad news. We did not get our Firearms plank into the 2010 party platform. I think it would have been a big help for our Democratic candidates, but let's try again in 2012. The good news is that the Firearms plank was adopted on the convention floor as a resolution for the second convention in a row, so that's something to build on.

Now for the Election Meeting on Friday morning. Great turnout - I counted some 60 people in attendance. We had so many candidates come to address the Gun Owners Caucus that I lost track of them all. Most of them wound up on videotape, and I'll try to get them on YouTube as soon as I can.

We have a new Executive Committee to serve the Caucus until the 2012 convention. Here are your new officers:

Chair: Daniel Barnett
Vice-Chair: Glenda Bailey
Secretary: Glenda McCray
Treasurer: Kit Carson
At-Large Committeeperson: Rhonda Phillips

I sincerely thank all of our new officers for stepping up to support the Caucus.

Take another look at the list. With the sole exception of yours truly, the Executive Committee is all-female! This is a most welcome development that should mollify some of our critics while promoting true diversity in our Caucus. I look forward to working with all of them - and I know they'll keep me on my toes.

I also got elected to the Resolutions Committee at the 2010 convention, and I am truly grateful to the folks at SD16 for the honor of serving them.

Will share more later. Right now, I'm pooped even after getting some sleep. Thanks to all of you who showed up at the Election Meeting!

PS: I'll post a complete list of candidates who visited the Caucus either tonight or tomorrow.

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